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ZD3400-VD | ZD3400-VE

Automatic folder is applied on folding big ironed or dried linen, such as sheets, quilt covers as well as table cloth.  Low noise, low energy consumption, good performance, beautiful appearance and reasonable design are the features of the folder.

  • Big screen and intelligent control system adopted , the machine has dialogic function.

  • Folding programs can be selected according to different type of linen. 2-5 folds can be performed under the control of computer.

  • DC24V on monitor block can ensure safety and easy maintainance .

  • Thanks to pneumatic valves, It runs fast and reliably and free of pollution to surroundings.

  • The output of controller is done via relay and no need of  intermediate relay, which is easy for service and reduces chance of fault.

  • Adjustable speed can adapt corresponding ironing machine, and it can work together with ironing machine via communication control, and folding speed is adjustable according to ironing speed.

  • Positive-reverse control is adopted for folding 4th and 5th fold, with the advantages of no affect from the material and thickness of the linen, better folding results and higher folding success rate.

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Copyright ? 2020 Jiangsu Sealion Machine Group by VTHINK

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