亚洲 欧美 国产 日韩 精品-久久久久人妻一区精品-欧美熟妇另类久久久久久多毛-羞羞视频在线观看-性videos熟女意大利


Y3300IIZC-800 | Y3300IIZC-1300 | Y3300IIIZC-1300

Excellent  Performance

  • The precise structure of the double chest, springs and heating proof felt ensure the rolls to keep enough elasticity and spring cushion so that linen and the surface of the chest can keep well-touched.

  • An unique lever device is introduced on the cylinder to create pressure, which ensures the working rolls and chests to keep balanced pressure for high quality ironing . The lever device has positions for pause, repair and inspection.

  • The connecting plate can be heated by whirly steam system , because the holes are underneath of it so that the steam with high speed enable the whirpool to cover all the surface of the connecting plate . The speed and quality of ironing are increased markedly , because the flatworks are ironed through the hot surface of the arc connecting plate.

Reliability & Safety

  • A safe clag plate is installed to keep fingers away for security purpose . The machine can shut down immediately if the plate is pushed.

  • Block-proof mechanism: if linen get drawn into the chest, machine will stop immediately and rolls will be lifted up for operators to take linen out, in order to prevent block inside the chests.

  • Pressure controlling system for steam and compressed air is installed on the machine so as to ensure the machine running in normal condition. It alarms as soon as the pressure is too low.

  • There are four emergency buttons at each corner of the machine. The machine stops running immediately if one of the buttons is pressed.

  • The rolls can be lifted up and locked onto the machine in case of sudden power cut-off.

High efficiency & energy saving

  • The arc surface of the chests has a big angle so that the heating area is big and the heat can be fully used.

  • Driven by only-motor, the energy consumption is reduced.  Thanks to inverter, the ironing speed can be adjusted. according to different temperature, sorts of linen as well as moisture contained.

  • Thanks to the unique design of heat recycling system, steam in the chest can run smoothly and sufficiently so that the heat can be fully used, and the outside of the chests has insulation layer to avoid heat waste.

  • A fan is installed on each roll so as to exhaust moisture completely and hence the chests can be kept dry and high speed of ironing.

Purchase intention submission


Please contact our local sales service personnel according to your region, we will respond to your needs quickly.

Copyright ? 2020 Jiangsu Sealion Machine Group by VTHINK

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