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P230TZQ | GXZQ-16F

  • Filling, washing, filtering, draining, extracting, drying recovery and deodorizing are completed automatically thanks to computer controlled. Low energy consumption because of the inverter.

  • The solvent in the tanks is kept clean during running because of the recycling filtering so that the drycleaning quality is guaranteed.

  • No strong perc smell out when opening the door thanks to multi-filter installed.

  • Solvent filtering is faster and more efficient thanks to several filters equipped.

  • Refrigeration system is adopted so that the speed of drying is fast and solvent Recycle is more completely and solvent is saved.

  • The garments drycleaned are clean, soft and neat without shrinkage or damage.

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Copyright ? 2020 Jiangsu Sealion Machine Group by VTHINK

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