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Complement each other's ,advantages All win development -- Sinopharm Chuangfu and jiangsu Sea-lion signed a strategic cooperation agreement

2019-04-15 14:45:52

{pboot:if(On April 15, 2019, Sinopharm Chuangfu Medical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Sea-lion Machinery Co., Ltd held a signing ceremony for their strategic cooperation agreement in Zhangjiagang .Sea-lion will take this as the largest···=='')}





On April 15, 2019, Sinopharm Chuangfu Medical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Sea-lion Machinery Co., Ltd held a signing ceremony for their strategic cooperation agreement in Zhangjiagang .Sea-lion will take this as the largest medical washing terminal service platform in China ,expand the business of medical sector ,obtain the support of medical resources ,and lay a solid foundation for itself to become the most advantageous supplier of products and services in the field of medical washing in China.This is the Sea-lion to adapt to the times of “kaleidoscopic change”, through the industry “Thoroughly tempered”, show the development of “diverse” another fruitful results .

Sinopharm Chuangfu Medical Technology (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd is engaged in the field of medical technology technology development ,technical consulting , technology transfer ,technical services ,business consulting professional technology business enterprises .One of its missions will be to strategically integrate the linen of public health across the country ,radical innovation ,to realize the trans-regional and trans-domain industrial chain of public health linen washing and long-acting antibacterial integration, to build the country largest and best quality industrial integration service platform that meets the requirements of corresponding industries .As early as in 2017 ,the company went into Sea-lion ,understand Sea-lion ,prepared to carry out strategic cooperation with Sea-lion .After two years of consulting research ,deep survey ,comparative choice ,finally decided to take Sea-lion as partner and a community of common destiny for mutual benefit on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of sea-lion this year ,also gave Sea-lion a generous gift to celebrate its 50th anniversary .This time ,the senior leaders of Sinopharm Chuangfu Medical Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd came to the headquarters of Jiangsu Sea-lion Machinery Co.,Ltd to further discuss the strategic cooperation framework ,in fact ,both sides has completed the research of antibacterial tunnel washer 、washing ,extracting and drying united machine、mattress cleaning equipment、smart ark at earlier stage ,pilot and mass production will follow .At the same time ,deep technology research and development ,full application of RFID chip and software system ,establishment and formulation of industry standards ,mutual promotion of brand support and resource integration are carried out on this basis .These measures are aimed at technological innovation and sharing intellectual property intellectual achievements ,so as to promote them to the whole market .Both parties agree to share resources through the cooperation platform ;Through deep integration ,achieve complementary advantages ;Achieve mutual benefit and mutual win through strategic alliance .The two sides agreed that looking to the future ,through the joint efforts of all of us ,we will be able to achieve higher quality ,more efficient and more sustainable development in a Chinese market full of innovation and competitiveness .

Through a mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore 、the turbulent years ,Sea-lion and Sinopharm will stand together through thick and hard times, learn from each other , share complementary advantages and develop in an integrated way ,turn the new highland of strategic cooperation that both sides are committed to build into promising land and promising fields .

Sinopharm trusts Sea-lion ,Sea-lion thanks Sinopharm ,at the signing ceremony ,there was always a warm atmosphere of frankness ,sincerity and friendship between the two sides .We are convinced that Sinopharm and Sea-lion , a pair of future-oriented partners ,will forge a friendship across time and space ,will go through the storm and wind ,to the scenery infinite .


Copyright ? 2020 Jiangsu Sealion Machine Group by VTHINK

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